Team Building Ideas to Achieve Your Business Goals
Your company is only as strong as your team. Effective teamwork and good communication is essential to achieve your business goals, so it’s important to ensure that your individual team members are engaged with the project and their colleagues.
Team building is an important part of fostering a positive and supportive workplace culture. It can be as simple as spending an hour or two brainstorming or a long weekend retreat of management training. Encourage members to take part in the organisation and planning of team building activities. You should encourage creativity and imagination but like any other business project, your activity should have a prime goal and objective. Structure your ideas with some of these tips in mind:
Have a goal – like any other project, your team building endeavour needs to have a specific purpose in mind. Is it to improve communication? Are you looking to develop people management and leadership skills among key staff? Work with your management team to identify areas that need work and come up with an activity around these objectives.
Have fun – the most important element of your activity is that it should be fun and engaging for everyone involved. Scavenger hunts, secret missions, cooking competitions, community volunteering – these types of activities are oldies but goodies because they work well and are enjoyable. You want your team to feel energised, engaged and accomplished at the end of it all.
Follow up – one of the most important parts of a team building exercise is the evaluation and follow-up afterward. Get feedback from participants immediately afterward when the experience is still fresh in their minds. Make sure you’ve captured any of the great ideas that have come up and develop an action plan to follow through.
Team building consultants can help you plan the ideal event – especially if you’re after an elaborate set up. Otherwise, assign a committee to develop the ideas and organise your activity.