Marketing Strategy Tip – How to Gain Access to Business Experts For Audio Interviews
Here some marketing strategys on how you can get business experts to agree to an interview.
This advice is not going to amaze you but it’s really, really simple and it’s something that everyone can do. You just simply ask.
In your day to day life you are encountering business experts all the time and you have the opportunity to say, “Hey, you are really good at what you do. Would you be willing to do an interview with me?” That is exactly what I did when I got the interview with Mark Joiner. Mark was a subscriber on one of my websites and I remember seeing his name come through and that he’d signed up.
He emailed me and asked me a question about my site and then I emailed him back and I said, “I know who you are. Nice to meet you,” I answered his question and then he emailed me back and thanked me. I don’t know if I just blatantly said, “Hey, would you be willing to do an interview for my site?”
I interviewed him first and then he invited me to be interviewed for a membership site he was promoting at the time.
Here is another example of a way I was able to get a business expert to agree to an interview, It was with a se;f publishing expert named Mike Simonic. Mike is relatively unknown to most people. He was a million dollar publisher of a special effects cookbook. He had a problem with one of my websites and he called me on the phone. He said, “Hey, I’m having problems logging in to your web site, what’s the deal?” I helped him out and I said, “Hey, what do you do?” He says, “Well, I’m a publisher and I published this special effects cookbook.” That sounded really cool and he sold a million copies of it. I mean a real millionaire self publisher.
His idol was Ted Nicholas and he’d been interviewed in a lot of news papers, and I asked if he’d be willing to do an interview and he let me interview him about his success.
This is the way way I was able to secure an interview with Bob Bly and Ben Settle. I remember I emailed each of them after seeing their newsletters. Before we even met and I said, “This guy is a good copywriter.” He sounded like Gary Halbert.
But a simple email or phone call is all you need and you can have access to any business expert you need to interview.